python-ldap FAQ


Q: Is python-ldap yet another abandon-ware project?

A1: “Jump on in.”

A2: “Jump into the C ;-)”

A3: see file CHANGES in source distribution or repository.


Q: Does it work with Python 3?

A0: Yes, from 3.0 on.

A1. For earlier versions, there’s pyldap, an independent fork now merged into python-ldap.

Q: Does it work with Python 2.7? (1.5|2.0|2.1|2.2|2.3|2.4|2.5|2.6|2.7)?

A: No. Old versions of python-ldap are still available from PyPI, though.

Q: My code imports module _ldap. That used to work, but after an upgrade it does not work anymore. Why?

A: Despite some outdated programming examples, the extension module

_ldap MUST NOT be imported directly, unless you really know what you’re doing (e.g. for internal regression testing).

Import ldap instead, which is a Python wrapper around _ldap providing the full functionality.

Q: My script bound to MS Active Directory but a a search operation results in the exception ldap.OPERATIONS_ERROR with the diagnostic message text “In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection.” Alternatively, a Samba 4 AD returns the diagnostic message “Operation unavailable without authentication”. What’s happening here?

A: When searching from the domain level, MS AD returns referrals (search continuations) for some objects to indicate to the client where to look for these objects. Client-chasing of referrals is a broken concept, since LDAPv3 does not specify which credentials to use when chasing the referral. Windows clients are supposed to simply use their Windows credentials, but this does not work in general when chasing referrals received from and pointing to arbitrary LDAP servers.

Therefore, per default, libldap automatically chases the referrals internally with an anonymous access which fails with MS AD.

So, the best thing to do is to switch this behaviour off:

l = ldap.initialize('ldap://foobar')

Note that setting the above option does NOT prevent search continuations from being returned, rather only that libldap won’t attempt to resolve referrals.

Q: Why am I seeing a ldap.SUCCESS traceback as output?

A: Most likely, you are using one of the non-synchronous calls, and probably mean to be using a synchronous call (see detailed explanation in Sending LDAP requests).

Q: Can I use LDAPv2 via python-ldap?

A: Yes, by explicitly setting the class attribute protocol_version.

You should not do that nowadays since LDAPv2 is considered historic since many years.


Q: Does it work with Windows 32?

A: Yes. You can find links to unofficial pre-compiled packages for Windows on the Installing python-ldap page.

Q: Can python-ldap be built against OpenLDAP 2.3 libs or older?

A: No. The needed minimal version of OpenLDAP is documented in Build prerequisites. Patched builds of python-ldap linked to older libs are not supported by the python-ldap project.

Q: During build there are warning messages displayed telling Lib/ and Lib/ldap/ are not found:

warning: build_py: file Lib/ (for module ldap) not found
warning: build_py: file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.schema) not found
A: ldap and ldap.schema are both module packages (directories containing various sub-modules). The messages above are falsely produced by DistUtils. Don’t worry about it.

Q: What’s the correct way to install on macOS?


xcode-select --install
pip install python-ldap \
   --global-option=build_ext \
   --global-option="-I$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)/usr/include/sasl"

Q: While importing module ldap, some shared lib files are not found. The error message looks similar to this:

ImportError: /usr/local/bin/python: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory

A1: You need to make sure that the path to and is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

A2: Alternatively, if you’re on Linux, you can add the path to and to /etc/ and invoke the command ldconfig afterwards.


Q: Can python-ldap 2.x be built against Netscape, Mozilla or Novell libs?

A: Nope.

Q: My binary version of python-ldap was build with LDAP libs 3.3. But the python-ldap docs say LDAP libs 2.x are needed. I’m confused!

Short answer:
See answer above and the Installing python-ldap page for a more recent version.
Long answer:

E.g. some Win32 DLLs floating around for download are based on the old Umich LDAP code which is not maintained anymore for many years! Last Umich 3.3 release was 1997 if I remember correctly.

The OpenLDAP project took over the Umich code and started releasing OpenLDAP 1.x series mainly fixing bugs and doing some improvements to the database backend. Still, only LDAPv2 was supported at server and client side. (Many commercial vendors also derived their products from the Umich code.)

OpenLDAP 2.x is a full-fledged LDAPv3 implementation. It has its roots in Umich code but has many more features/improvements.

Q: While importing module ldap, there are undefined references reported. The error message looks similar to this:

ImportError: /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: res_query

A: Especially on older Linux systems, you might have to explicitly link against libresolv.

Tweak setup.cfg to contain this line:

libs = lber ldap resolv